Nearly all the content you want to add to your pages will be built with Conteent Elements. You only need to find the Element you want to use then Click, Drag and Drop it exactly where you want it - basically, Click, Drag, Drop.

As you add more elements to your page, the draggable content area will expand to accommodate them.

While dragging an Element to a page, a blue line will show. This blue guide line will tell you where the element will be placed when you drop it. You can either stack elements on top of each other or drag one element to the left or right of another.

All elements have three universal options: Copy, Delete and Move. Hover over an element and a blue box will appear.

The "X" in the upper right of the blue box allows you to delete this element. Once you delete an element, it can never come back. The arrow in the upper left allows you to copy an element (to the same page or another page) or move an element (to another page). Clicking on the box between the "X" and the arrow, allows you to pick the element up and drag it around the page.

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