Can I use this with WordPress Hosting or Shared Hosting?
Yes, you can
Is the payment recurring?
Yes, the payment is recurring. The idea is for you to have a constant WordPress guru at your beck...
Is the service suitable for me?
Yes. This service is for every wordpress user.
My hosting is not with Whogohost, can I still use this?
Yes you can
What are the features of managed WordPress?
The WordPress service gives you features like security mitigation and interventions, plugin and...
What if what I want is not within these plans?
Outside of the plans above, each change will be billed at a one-time fee of N5,000 per minor...
What is a major change?
A major change is an addition of a new feature which has been agreed possible by WhoGoHost. This...
What is a minor change?
A minor change is anything that has to do with adjusting of size, change of placement, moving of...
What is managed WordPress?
Whogohost's Managed WordPress support is a fully-managed service that handles the technical...